Monday, November 03, 2008

The Swerved Presents: Dream Match the 53rd (Computer Reference Monday Edition)

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Swerved Nation Chooses The Special Guest Referee (Marcia Brady, Jan Brady, or Cindy Brady)
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Carol Brady

Here's a story, of a man named Jericho
Who was bringing up one lovely guy named Lance
This boy had hair of gold, like Y2J
But he had no glittery underpants

Here's a story, of a boy named Lance Cade
Who was backing up a rejuvenated Chris
They were two men, but one man did nothing
Cade just stood there in the back, looking pissed

'Till the one day when WWE released this fellow
And they knew that his character had gone nowhere
This partnership did absolutely nothing
But that's the way they tried their best to make us care

We never cared
We never cared

But that's the way they tried their best to make us care

The Question:
Who wins and how?



I will be a WWE Superstar, or I will perish.


Things never are as bad as they seem, so dream, dream, dream.

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