John Cena (c) vs. Charles Montgomery Burns
You see...
Some men are complacent with a million bucks,
Others just look for more
But the only thing I'm looking for
Is a main event icon that is unconvincingly poor
See my Shawn, see my Shawn,
A San Antonio, Texan spawn
Hear his music, his Sweet Chin Music
In my power, he can't abuse it
See his hat, a straw one at that
I make him sleep in it like a cat
His high pants are imitation leather
Foreign wear, Italian pleather
His sad face, pouty disgrace
Lost it in a bet at a horse race
By my side, he'll thrive
My limo, he'll drive
See my Shawn, see my Shawn, see my Shawn
At the Rumble, he'll stay humble
He'll be my tool, my Bryant Gumbel
But a title belt from Cena is one that will be won
So he'll Superkick for me
With the powers of Mamajuana Energy
See my Shawn
See my Shawn
Oh please, won't you see my Shawn?
The Question:
Who wins and how?
Vintage Michael Cole?
I just don't want you to hate me.
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